Friday, November 16, 2007

Harvest Festival

Hi- Last week our kids attended their school's fall festival. Lauren participated in a limbo competition and was the limbo winner for her age group. Included are some pics. Zach got to pretend to be a ninja in one game area. Rach was a doctor, Amanda was a cowboy, Zach a policeman and Lauren a skunk.
The kids are finally over their illnesses. Zach ended up on a steroid for four days as his croup got pretty bad. Today was the first day he got to go out and play in freshly fallen snow. We met Vladmir on our way out. Vladimir cleans the areas in front of our buildings every day and he got a kick out of Zach shoveling with his little shovel. Zach did not always throw the snow where it was supposed to go.
Tonight we have our couple's group. Rach is sleeping over at a friend's house and Manda is having a friend over to spend the night.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rachel's Ramblings

Hey to all you wonderful folks out there, & welcome to Rachel's Ramblings the interesting posts made by me - Rachel. So, what are my ramblings today... it's amazing how early it gets dark these days. Today it started at approximately 4:30... I miss the sun! This is the time of year that I don't like the weather too much. It's FREEZING COLD, no leaves on the trees, no sun, only sleet, no snow yet... but dark and dreary... oh well...

Today at school, while I was in Advanced Band - the power went out. You see, the power in our school building goes off briefly now and then but this time... we were in the middle of playing "Christmas Carol March" and - BLACKOUT! Everything turned pitch black because the windows weren't open and to open them requires electricity! What was funny was this: the Clarinets - Isaac, Agape and I - kept playing! ^_^ But of course, we can't read the music in the dark so we ended class early. We had to put our stands, music and instruments away in the dark! It was so fun! That was the last class of the day fortunately, so no one else had to be in the dark.

Um... ya. In my space of our blog these are the types of things I'll be including - the weather, gossip, things going on in general and in my personal life, etc.
And I like to do stuff that includes typing, like chatting. Usually when we call someone on Skype, I won't be talking, I'll be chatting and expressing my emotions and thoughts through icons... ya it's the COOL thing to do! ^_^ So, that means I'll post a lot... make sure to check for updates often.

If you want me to add something you wanna know about, drop in a comment because I like it when people comment... ^_^

Till I decide to post again (which I guarantee will be soon) so long,