Sunday, August 17, 2008


4th of July

Picking up the girls at camp

Two months have flown by since our last post! We have been doing lots in our transition from Russia to the US. Here is a brief overview:

-hosted a fun 4th of July party at our apartment in Russia where about 30 people joined us.
-packed up and said our goodbyes in Russia on July 8th. We had a really long travel day on the 8th (30 hours)

-purchased a house in our home town of Fulton, New York. We are closing on it tomorrow!
-spent a week at Sodus Point (on Lake Ontario) with all of Alan's family

-Trish had an all day shopping trip with two of her friends

-celebrated Trisha's nephew Austin's graduation from high school (and had a mini Richards reunion that day)

-Trish took the 3 girls to a week of camp where they had a blast. On the way to camp they had a blow-out. We love the police in America who actually stopped and helped her get the rusted on spare out from underneath the van :)

-Saw our St Pete friends the O'Byrnes on this side of the ocean (see below)

-Alan and Trish took a one day trip to the Adirondacks with our church's senior citizen group and had a blast

-We ate out with our friends at Ichi Bon- thanks Candi and Brian! Zach was with us and loved the leaping fire!

What is up:
The girls will start school in early September. They will be going to public school so you can pray for them. We have met both Rachel's and Manda's guidance counselors. Please pray for their transitions.

We are preparing for tour. Alan will tour in the New York area for two months. Please pray that we can carve out time to put our last four years into words, pictures and convey what God has done in St. Pete.

Rach turned 15 last week and has had a great summer. She was privileged to attend a youth seminar that really impacted her life and allowed her to get to know the youth group here at Fulton.

Manda is getting a new retainer for her mouth as it looks like she will need braces like Rachel.

Zach is doing well but still asks how many days til he goes back to Petersburg Russia.

Blessings to you all!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Transition Time

Whew! We have not written for over a month. Lots has been happening. Alan's two sisters came for a visit at the end of May and we had a great time. Pam and Sharon were troopers as they had flight delays both coming and returning to the US. On their way home they had some company :) Rach and Manda traveled with them and went to Ohio with Pam to visit her family and Trish's brother Chris and his family. They have had some great times.

Here we are surrounded by boxes and more boxes. We have already "sold" our van to our neighbor and have alot of our stuff packed. We are still doing the English club and class each week.
Pray for our church as we have had some good news. Two of our leaders will be going to Bible college in the fall. The church will miss them but we are excited for them as they are following God's leading. Our pastor's daughter Margarita had a bad fall over a week ago. Serious enough that they put off their vacation for two weeks. Thank the Lord she only had a concussion and not something even more serious.

Our new teammates, The Masons, will be coming in just over a week. Pray for us as we wind down here. Blessings!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring has finally sprung


Hey-it has been awhile since we have blogged. In early April we enjoyed a nice time at the Black Sea at our yearly field forum. While the weather was not the greatest the fellowship and the greenness all around us was excellent. The kids had a great time and Zach attended his last year of being with the "ladies" ie nannies who take care of the smaller kids. One of these nannies was our Vika who took care of Lauren and the girls when we first moved to Russia.(top left in green shirt-Zach is on the far right in red)

Life has picked up speed. Rachel is playing volleyball two times a week with the junior highers and high schoolers. The kids just had their spring concert as well as the school's huge yearly garage sale. We got rid of a vanful of toys and clothes. Lots of kids are entering and leaving the school.
We celebrated Lauren's 9th birthday by having some of her friends over.

We have also done some special dates with our oldest two daughters. For Manda we went to a special tea room at a downtown restaurant. For Rachel she had a mom and dad date at a local cafe.

Two times a week Trish and Alan are teaching an English class and discussion group at Med Em.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Visitors and Spring

Girls greeting Tanya
Alan celebrated his 43rd birthday this past week!!!
We have had snow flurries again this week. Three days were really bad and then today the sun came out and the temps got above freezing. Our friends Tanya and Olya have been with us the last week. We took them to the Zoological Museum (with Zach) and then to the Hermitage.
This next week we head South to our field's forum where hopefully it will be warm and sunny.

Olya with Zach and Lauren

Monday, March 10, 2008


Just about a week ago we had flurries of several different types. First the obvious, we actually had some snow flurries for several days. Secondly we have been in the midst of flurries of busyness. Our co-workers the Friesens left for home assignment just a week ago. Helping them pack and say our goodbyes was a reminder to us how time flies especially when you are concluding a term on the field. Yesterday the church celebrated Women's Day with a dessert time/games. The celebration was held at the girls' school building. Several non Christians were there and a good time was had by all.

Unfortunately there has also been a flurry of illness here. Pastor Dima's wife Valya who is pregnant has had a bad case of the flu. Please pray for their family and especially for Valya and baby. Zach at the moment has the sniffles and so does Amanda.

The kids did a short program at their school for Women's day on March 8th as well.

In two weeks we will be having the girls' long time friend, Tanya, from Kropotkin, come for a week. She and our past nanny(Olya) will be coming for a visit. Tanya was the first of our Kropotkin neighbors to befriend our girls, and they have been good friends ever since. Also we we will be leaving to field forum the first week of April! It will hopefully be warm and sunny in Anapa.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for us and for some of our stateside friends. We have a dear friend who is struggling with alot of pain and a chronic illness.
Please pray for our kids as they start again the sometimes fun and yet painful process of transitioning. As Lauren noted, all of her friends, that she remembers are here and this is home for her.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentine's Day Bash

Sasha and Ekaterina, Nastia, Trish and Alan

Our girls had a great time with some crowns that Mom Richards sent! Our couples small group hosted a Valentine's Day bash the day after Valentine's Day. Thirteen couples attended including our old next door neighbors. One couple has a sister who attends our church. After the evening they told her that they now understand why she likes to go to church.

Finally some sunshine!!!

The Friesens and us

Trish overlooking the Dead Sea

The Jordan River-where Jesus was baptized Hi here are some pics from our recent trip.
Roman style acoustics

Monday, February 4, 2008

To Finland and Beyond

Hi! We just got back last evening from a weekend out to Finland. We needed to leave Russia for our 180 day out so we decided to make it into a long weekend. We stayed at a wonderful cabin in Lapeenranta. It took us about 5 hours to go approximately 200 kilometers. The weather was quite snowy (not that we are complaining)but we managed to play in the snow, go sledding , go skating and eat at the girls' favorite restaraunt in Finland. Looking out the windows of the cabin all we could see was snow and trees...nice. We even had a fire in the fireplace there. Unfortunately the flue did not work so well so there was more smoke in our cabin then outside:)

Tommorrow Alan and I head out to Jordan so please pray for us and for the kids while we are gone!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Boxes of Love

Two days ago Alan came home late from picking up the kids from School. Trish called him and he said he was in line at the post office. Well when he and the girls arrived home they were carrying six packages and lots of letters. An hour or so of glee followed as we opened boxes from Pineview Alliance , Masons, the Fites, Mom Richards and the Friedens. Thanks to all of you for the wonderful surprises!!!!!! Attached are some pics.
We received snow last night and it is not so quite overcast today. We have found out that TWO count them TWO couples in our church are expecting. Please pray for them as well as a young single gal who also is pregnant and in a bit of debt. She just recently came to church for the first time after praying with Pastor Dima.
Next weekend we head to the border and will be in Finland for the weekend. Please pray for safe travel.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christmas/New Year and More

Hi! We have lots of news. We again celebrated two Christmas days and two New Years. During the school holidays we had quite a few guests over and the girls just plain relaxed. We went ice skating indoors on New Year's Day at a local mall since there was no snow and the temps were above freezing. We stayed up late on New Years (til 330 am) and saw another great fireworks show as well as having tons of fireworks going off all around us. On New Year's Day when we pulled into the parking garage of the mall and got out of our car two ladies looked at us and exclaimed "Look..there are other people that are awake and sober! Above is a picture we took at the girls' Christmas concert. Trish attended Wheaton as did one or both of the parents of the Gerig and OByrne families.

Speaking of drunks just before New Years a drunk drove through our parking area and collided with a parked car and then bounced off of the bumper of that car and just lightly bumped our van. He tried to run(drunkenly) from the scene but the owner of the vehicle he hit called down from his window and two men nearby grabbed the drunk so he could not leave. Well to make a long day short-they let the guy go(after they took his keys) with the understanding he would have to come back and pay about 1,000 dollars. He never came back and only later they called the police. Our neighbor waited outside for hours and hours. We were glad that no damage happened to our van. Turns out the car was stolen. Drunk driving here is a pretty serious offense. You lose your licence immediately and then may be sent to jail. The stolen car blocked the side street for most of the day. AUGH!!

Our church invited a professional mime group to perform on Russian Christmas Eve (January 6th) and we distributed a bunch of invitations. We were not sure what the turn out would be but over one hundred people filled up the hall we rented. Even better news was that Vika, one of the kids in the youth group prayed with her neighbors the Friesens, to accept Christ. This was a great moment in her life as she has lived in great fear of death. Four or five of our neighbors came as well. We pray that they will see a change in their lives. The group was excellent.
We were so glad that this Russian Christmas we made NO EMERGENCY trips to the hospital. Last year Lauren had an emergency appendectomy.
Russian Christmas Eve with the mimes

Putting on our traveling shoes
In two weeks our family will head to Finland for the weekend. Please pray that we will have a good time of rest and refreshment as we are somewhat tired and sun deprived. In early February we(Alan and I0 will be taking a trip to a nearby country to visit a community center there. We are thinking and praying about creating such a center here in Saint Petersburg. Pray for safety for us and our kids. This is the first time we have been away from all four of our children in years!!!

Manda with a friend