Fly Away Home
If I had a flying house, all of my own, I would fly home. Now, you must understand my meaning. I have heard the phrase “home is where the heart is” many times. If this statement is true, then I have just confirmed my meaning.
I live in a big city called Saint Petersburg in Russia. It is my home. However, by nationality, I am American. My passport says so. In America, I live in a small town called Fulton. It is in the state of New York. It too is my home. I have lived in America for seven years of my life. I have lived in Russia for nine years of my life. I am a TCK or third culture kid. My home is supposed to be where my heart is. Well, what if my heart is split in two? Then where is home? Therefore, if I had a flying house, I would make my torn heart whole again.
I can see it. I could essentially live in two places, making the combination of two places my one home. How amazing would that be? On weekends and on school breaks I could travel to the other half of me to visit. I could see the people I miss so badly. I could be with those I love. I could be there for them and not miss precious moments in their lives.
Imagine never needing to say goodbye. With my flying house, I could go visit anyone, anywhere, practically anytime. Goodbyes have always killed me inside. They are always so hard. Sometimes, the good-bye’s said can mean never seeing that person again. With my flying house, things would be much different.
My family is currently living in Russia, so I would live here more often (with school and all). However, whenever the chance would arise, I would take off into the vast cloudy sky above my city. Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities you could ever see. It is historic, complex, and breathtaking.
I would fly over the great Atlantic like I have so many times before. This time, though, I am not in an airplane. My flying house has the speed of a winged horse, so it would not take long to get there. When I see the land of my birth, the place my passport says is my home, I would find the town I live in. It might be somewhat hard to find, for it is rather small. However, if I were able to locate the large stadium in Syracuse, New York, getting there would be a cinch. This town, though I was not born there, is my home because most of my relatives call it their home plus most of my friends as well. It is a struggling town, but nevertheless beautiful in the way small towns are. This town is called Fulton.
Once landed, I would find a place to stay (I would definitely not stay in my flying house). I would probably stay with my grandparents. I would then spend whatever time I had to hang out with my friends and family, trek around my town, eat out, whatever. I would simply live. I would be home after all.
That is what I would do with my flying house. I do not need to see the world (I pretty much already do that anyway without my flying house). I would just want to make my two worlds one. Though each half is radically different that the other, both of the make up the image of what my home is. I see my flying house as the doorway between the two. I cannot be in both rooms at once so I must step through the doorway to get to the other. My flying house would make it easy and just make things better overall.
Now I open my eyes and see that life is as it has always been. There is no flying house for me. However, I smile inwardly, dwelling on memories, dreams, and experiences yet to come. I am happy. I am ready to live life, every moment, to the fullest. For, I cannot rely on my flying house to make things happen. I will live my life in thankfulness, seizing every opportunity to make each half of me whole in the place that I am.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dog days of summer

Dear Family and Friends,
It's been a great two months since we last wrote. Most recently, St. Pete is having an incredibly long "beautiful weather" spell. We can't believe the number of warm and sunny days we've had. Now, to many of you 85 - 90 F (30-33 C) is not all that hot. But for Peterburgers, it is sweltering, especially in light of the high humidity. Few cars and even fewer apartments have air conditioning so staying cool is hard to do. Add to this the fear of cross-ventilation (drafts) and many people are in fact overwhelmed by the heat. Don't get us wrong, they love these rare days of sunshine. Fans have been sold out for weeks and one friend who timed it just right told us it took about 5 minutes for 50 fans to be sold out when the shipment arrived. He bought two of them.
Our family enjoyed a wonderful vacation in New York in June and now we're back in action here. For Alan it ended up being a bit of a medical holiday as he had unexpected triple hernia repair. The great irony is that his surgeon was Russian :) In the four weeks we were in the States we:
- enjoyed seeing all 6 of Alan's brothers and sisters and almost all of their children
- loved seeing RJ get her driver's permit and drive any and every time she could. (She competed with Trish who also wanted to drive on the spacious roads and little traffic.)
-ate at a few favorite restaurants, including Olive Garden
-had each of the kids see many of their friends and also visit the school that they attended last year
-saw Toy Story 3 on the big screen on opening day
-threw rocks into Lake Ontario (see family picture taken there) and ate at the Loop
-had at least 23 doctor/dental visits
-got to spend lots of time with our parents - especially on Father's Day. Trish's mom and dad attended church with her :)
In our last letter, we mentioned that Alan's back was in bad shape. While in New York he was able to have it thoroughly examined and now he is on a regular regime to strengthen the problematic muscles and hopefully prevent a major muscle strain from happening again. Praise the Lord together with us for this help and also for his quick recovery from the hernia surgery.
Recently we held an English club event where we played kickball. 7 Russians came and our kids and the Friesen girls played as well. One of the Russian guys thought it sounded a little boring, but it was fun a few minutes later when he kicked a high ball to left field and a little girl (Lauren) promptly caught it. We had a great time followed by ice cream and fellowship in our new place. You can see the group in the attached picture.
Alan joined in a game of ultimate frisbee with a few others from the church and a bunch of their friends. After the event Andrei shared his faith with a young lady, Vika, who decided to ask God to forgive her for her sins and to live her life for Him. Please pray as we encourage her and help her experience new life.
As to our church, a wonderful event happened in May. Three young believers were baptized. You may recall that we mentioned Julia and Aleksei as they just became Christians in February through our English ministries and our church. The third was Pavla, a young girl in our church from a Christian family. Yasya, one of our most faithful attenders of English club, was also recently baptized at her church. Two pictures are attached.
Every summer the dacha phenomena happens in Russia. A dacha is a small plot of land usually outside of the city. It has a small house (or sometimes a nice home) where a family goes and lives for the weekend. Their purpose is to just relax and/or to work the land and garden at the dacha. Frequently in the spring and summer families leave the city to go out to their dachas. Some will even go every week if they have the time and others even live on the dachas for the summer. Seems like the city would be empty but there are still lots of people who have to work and lots of tourists arriving on a weekly basis. Many ex pats as well leave for the summer so in some ways the whole rhythm of life changes.
Our new teammates, the Hecocks (J.B., Iris, Gavin, Carter and Emmi) arrived safely in June and are getting nicely settled in. They're excited about helping us develop the Community Center. They are adding a whole new component for the center as their vision is to create a Coffee Cafe/ coffee roasting business. So, as a team, we are working through what we are doing next as we head into the fall. Some clear direction is to widen our offerings of English courses, continue our English club and make headway at opening a cafe. This cafe will ideally have enough space to allow other ministries and events to take place. Before it is up and running, we have decided to rent space and begin more of the ministries that an eventual Center will have. Please pray as we find a place to rent and begin just the right ministries that will help those in our community.
Recently Rachel entered a competition for a scholarship. It was for ex-pat teens and we thought we would share her essay with you. Her thoughts about being an MK touch upon part of the mystery that we experience as international workers. Her essay, called "Fly Away Home", is attached.
Our new apartment is terrific. It is larger and of much higher quality as our previous (where we lived for five years), and the price is the same. Best of all it is very close to the kids' school and to many of their friends. We are so thankful for it. Our team is now within 3 minutes walking time of each other. In the past it was 15-20 minutes one way by car to each other. This is a huge blessing! I've attached a picture of our neighborhood. You may be interested in knowing that this picture was taken at nearly 11:00 pm.
It's been a great two months since we last wrote. Most recently, St. Pete is having an incredibly long "beautiful weather" spell. We can't believe the number of warm and sunny days we've had. Now, to many of you 85 - 90 F (30-33 C) is not all that hot. But for Peterburgers, it is sweltering, especially in light of the high humidity. Few cars and even fewer apartments have air conditioning so staying cool is hard to do. Add to this the fear of cross-ventilation (drafts) and many people are in fact overwhelmed by the heat. Don't get us wrong, they love these rare days of sunshine. Fans have been sold out for weeks and one friend who timed it just right told us it took about 5 minutes for 50 fans to be sold out when the shipment arrived. He bought two of them.
Our family enjoyed a wonderful vacation in New York in June and now we're back in action here. For Alan it ended up being a bit of a medical holiday as he had unexpected triple hernia repair. The great irony is that his surgeon was Russian :) In the four weeks we were in the States we:
- enjoyed seeing all 6 of Alan's brothers and sisters and almost all of their children
- loved seeing RJ get her driver's permit and drive any and every time she could. (She competed with Trish who also wanted to drive on the spacious roads and little traffic.)
-ate at a few favorite restaurants, including Olive Garden
-had each of the kids see many of their friends and also visit the school that they attended last year
-saw Toy Story 3 on the big screen on opening day
-threw rocks into Lake Ontario (see family picture taken there) and ate at the Loop
-had at least 23 doctor/dental visits
-got to spend lots of time with our parents - especially on Father's Day. Trish's mom and dad attended church with her :)
In our last letter, we mentioned that Alan's back was in bad shape. While in New York he was able to have it thoroughly examined and now he is on a regular regime to strengthen the problematic muscles and hopefully prevent a major muscle strain from happening again. Praise the Lord together with us for this help and also for his quick recovery from the hernia surgery.
Recently we held an English club event where we played kickball. 7 Russians came and our kids and the Friesen girls played as well. One of the Russian guys thought it sounded a little boring, but it was fun a few minutes later when he kicked a high ball to left field and a little girl (Lauren) promptly caught it. We had a great time followed by ice cream and fellowship in our new place. You can see the group in the attached picture.
Alan joined in a game of ultimate frisbee with a few others from the church and a bunch of their friends. After the event Andrei shared his faith with a young lady, Vika, who decided to ask God to forgive her for her sins and to live her life for Him. Please pray as we encourage her and help her experience new life.
As to our church, a wonderful event happened in May. Three young believers were baptized. You may recall that we mentioned Julia and Aleksei as they just became Christians in February through our English ministries and our church. The third was Pavla, a young girl in our church from a Christian family. Yasya, one of our most faithful attenders of English club, was also recently baptized at her church. Two pictures are attached.
Every summer the dacha phenomena happens in Russia. A dacha is a small plot of land usually outside of the city. It has a small house (or sometimes a nice home) where a family goes and lives for the weekend. Their purpose is to just relax and/or to work the land and garden at the dacha. Frequently in the spring and summer families leave the city to go out to their dachas. Some will even go every week if they have the time and others even live on the dachas for the summer. Seems like the city would be empty but there are still lots of people who have to work and lots of tourists arriving on a weekly basis. Many ex pats as well leave for the summer so in some ways the whole rhythm of life changes.
Our new teammates, the Hecocks (J.B., Iris, Gavin, Carter and Emmi) arrived safely in June and are getting nicely settled in. They're excited about helping us develop the Community Center. They are adding a whole new component for the center as their vision is to create a Coffee Cafe/ coffee roasting business. So, as a team, we are working through what we are doing next as we head into the fall. Some clear direction is to widen our offerings of English courses, continue our English club and make headway at opening a cafe. This cafe will ideally have enough space to allow other ministries and events to take place. Before it is up and running, we have decided to rent space and begin more of the ministries that an eventual Center will have. Please pray as we find a place to rent and begin just the right ministries that will help those in our community.
Recently Rachel entered a competition for a scholarship. It was for ex-pat teens and we thought we would share her essay with you. Her thoughts about being an MK touch upon part of the mystery that we experience as international workers. Her essay, called "Fly Away Home", is attached.
Our new apartment is terrific. It is larger and of much higher quality as our previous (where we lived for five years), and the price is the same. Best of all it is very close to the kids' school and to many of their friends. We are so thankful for it. Our team is now within 3 minutes walking time of each other. In the past it was 15-20 minutes one way by car to each other. This is a huge blessing! I've attached a picture of our neighborhood. You may be interested in knowing that this picture was taken at nearly 11:00 pm.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Kids want a blog!
Zach has lately been asking for a little space on the net. So we will be having Zach and Lauren add some of their thoughts /life into our blog. This will hopefully help me to blog more often :)
Zach's Karate Corner
Zach is hoping to learn alot of karate moves and flips in the future. We will see if this happens :) Recently he was able to talk to his best buddy Isaiah who is now in America. They had a nice chat on skype.
Zach's Karate Corner
Zach is hoping to learn alot of karate moves and flips in the future. We will see if this happens :) Recently he was able to talk to his best buddy Isaiah who is now in America. They had a nice chat on skype.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Almost December
Wow- where has the time gone? November was a blur. We celebrated Zach's 6th birthday with a nice party at our house. He had most of his classmates come as well as some other friends. Recently we just replaced our living room furniture that we had to throw out. Tomm we will put up our tree. All of our kids have an opinion as to where it should go... The weather here has been warmer this month after having snow in October.
Hopefully I will be able to get back to blogging a lot more frequently :)
Hopefully I will be able to get back to blogging a lot more frequently :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Rain and more rain
Today we had lots of rain... Alan went to take the kids to school and while waiting for our teammates to bring us their son-the car battery died. It wouldn't jump so our teammates drove our kids to school. Then Alan borrowed our pastor's extra battery which allowed us to pick the kids up and then get a new battery. Thanks Dima!! We had our house fumigated for a second time since coming back...Hopefully our bug problems are over.
At church we had quite a few people back from summer vacations as well as visitors. We pray that we can use the momentum to breathe some more life into the church overall.
At church we had quite a few people back from summer vacations as well as visitors. We pray that we can use the momentum to breathe some more life into the church overall.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fall in St Pete
Well, we did it. We managed to find tenants for our home in Fulton, New York and pack up all of our belongings. Then travel across the globe to our "other" home - St. Petersburg, Russia. The travel went well, all things considered. All of our luggage came through fine and none of our bags were opened for inspection as we arrived. So we flew through passport control and customs in spite of our weary bodies. It wasn't hard for the kids to adjust to the time difference. It was a little harder for mom and dad as we were generally tired for over a week. Thankfully we didn't have any episodes of staying up all night.
The best thing that happened on our trip came right at the very beginning. We were checking in with United Airlines at the Syracuse airport with 5 more suitcases than we were allowed. We were told twice over the phone that each extra bag would cost $121. Believe it or not, it is often $200, so we weren't going to complain. But when they started that part of the process, they told us $150 per bag. So we told them what we had been told and they didn't understand why we were told a lower number. In the meantime, we wanted to fill the silent moments while waiting for a decision and we told the two people that Lufthansa would actually allow us to take these extra bags for free if we were flying solely with them. "But since we start with a United flight to Washington D.C., we have to pay you this extra fee." Well, they talked to a few different people and in the end after looking at the paper we had saying we were international workers, the guy handed us all of our documents and said, (get ready:) "Just go on ahead to the plane. If Lufthansa would have given you the extra baggage allowance, so will we." And so we walked away from the desk not paying the $600 that we expected or the $750 that they were asking. Praise the Lord!!
Alan and Rachel were trying to understand each other in a conversation across the dinner table. They were having a tough time, as expected (since she IS a teen y'know!). Zach was off in his own little world at this point at the other end of the table. Finally Alan slowed his speech in order to clarify with Rachel, "What. . .do. . . you. . . want?" Zach promptly spoke up with slowed and clear articulation, "I. . . want. . . peach-es and. . .meat!"
Alan mentioned to Trish about a man he met in America that has 16 children. Suddenly Zach chimes in from the back of the car, "Nobody can have 16 children!" Of course, we're trying to think of what would make a 5-year old say that. Does he understand the deep concepts of aging, financial responsibility, minimum of 9 months between having children?!?! I mean, he's still a little unclear on the difference between a week and a year. "So why can't a person have 16 children, Zach?" I finally asked. He proclaimed loud and clear: "Not enough seats in the car."
Speaking of a car - thanks to all who have given to our vehicle account. We purchased a 2003 Dodge Caravan. Its most important feature is that it is an automatic ("YIPPEEE" cheers Trish.) Cars here are so expensive- even used ones. The odometer was rolled back a bit but so far it looks like it is in good shape. In one day we witnessed two accidents as they happened. We were nearly hit as one occurred less than 3 feet from our car. So we always appreciate your prayers.
One of the biggest changes we have seen since returning is that most of the time, cars will stop and give pedestrians the right of way when they are crossing the road on the crosswalk (known to Russians as a zebra: ///////////. Of course the trick when walking is to make sure the cars are actually going to stop - and not assume. Why the change? There's now a steep fine for drivers.
We'd like to update you on some of the people that we've talked about in the past. While on tour, I frequently shared the testimony of a young lady named Alyona, who had lost her fiance and then her father during our last term. At the end of her testimony, she mentions that her plans to attend Bible College have been thwarted twice. Well, she's finally made it!!! She just moved to Krasnodar for a year of intense training and classes. Will you pray with us that God will use this time well in her life; that she will find lifelong friendships there and that she'll return more on fire for God than ever?
Masha visited us initially through an English club that we did at the Friesens home a couple of years ago. Then she visited our cell groups a few times and had many difficult questions in her soul. She was clearly seeking for truth and we tried to help her find it. By the time we left last year, however, she had pretty much disappeared. But God was still at work in her heart. During this past year she began attending our church more regularly and found her deepest questions answered in giving herself to the Lord. Just as we returned last month, she was baptized, as she desired to make a clear statement that she is now on the road to eternal life. Praise the Lord with us for her.
As our children begin their 5th year at the International Academy, the school moved in to the 4th building since our enrollment. On the positive side, each building change has been an improvement. The present location is not only very nice, but it will also help the school to move down the path to becoming licensed. It is expected that we'll stay in this place for many years. The kids have really enjoyed getting back into their friendships and to what they consider a "normal" pace of life. Unfortunately, the new place is a bit farther away from us than we'd hoped, but it's not horrible either.
We also had another big family event last month. Rachel celebrated her Sweet 16 birthday. Amanda organized a big party for her before we left and then another with our friends here. Rachel is enjoying 10th grade.
One great encouragement has been some of our welcomes. One couple we knew screamed when we called and came to see us the next day even though it was an hour and a half drive. One lady in the apartment above us told us that great rejoicing echoed through the building as the word was spread that "Our Americans have returned!!" Another praise is that many of our colleagues here have gone way beyond the call of duty to help us out in numerous ways. We're glad that God has put us here and we hope that He will do some great things through us over the coming months and years.
Representing you in Russia,
Alan and Trish Eggleton, Rachel, Amanda,, Lauren and Zach
The best thing that happened on our trip came right at the very beginning. We were checking in with United Airlines at the Syracuse airport with 5 more suitcases than we were allowed. We were told twice over the phone that each extra bag would cost $121. Believe it or not, it is often $200, so we weren't going to complain. But when they started that part of the process, they told us $150 per bag. So we told them what we had been told and they didn't understand why we were told a lower number. In the meantime, we wanted to fill the silent moments while waiting for a decision and we told the two people that Lufthansa would actually allow us to take these extra bags for free if we were flying solely with them. "But since we start with a United flight to Washington D.C., we have to pay you this extra fee." Well, they talked to a few different people and in the end after looking at the paper we had saying we were international workers, the guy handed us all of our documents and said, (get ready:) "Just go on ahead to the plane. If Lufthansa would have given you the extra baggage allowance, so will we." And so we walked away from the desk not paying the $600 that we expected or the $750 that they were asking. Praise the Lord!!
Alan and Rachel were trying to understand each other in a conversation across the dinner table. They were having a tough time, as expected (since she IS a teen y'know!). Zach was off in his own little world at this point at the other end of the table. Finally Alan slowed his speech in order to clarify with Rachel, "What. . .do. . . you. . . want?" Zach promptly spoke up with slowed and clear articulation, "I. . . want. . . peach-es and. . .meat!"
Alan mentioned to Trish about a man he met in America that has 16 children. Suddenly Zach chimes in from the back of the car, "Nobody can have 16 children!" Of course, we're trying to think of what would make a 5-year old say that. Does he understand the deep concepts of aging, financial responsibility, minimum of 9 months between having children?!?! I mean, he's still a little unclear on the difference between a week and a year. "So why can't a person have 16 children, Zach?" I finally asked. He proclaimed loud and clear: "Not enough seats in the car."
Speaking of a car - thanks to all who have given to our vehicle account. We purchased a 2003 Dodge Caravan. Its most important feature is that it is an automatic ("YIPPEEE" cheers Trish.) Cars here are so expensive- even used ones. The odometer was rolled back a bit but so far it looks like it is in good shape. In one day we witnessed two accidents as they happened. We were nearly hit as one occurred less than 3 feet from our car. So we always appreciate your prayers.
One of the biggest changes we have seen since returning is that most of the time, cars will stop and give pedestrians the right of way when they are crossing the road on the crosswalk (known to Russians as a zebra: ///////////. Of course the trick when walking is to make sure the cars are actually going to stop - and not assume. Why the change? There's now a steep fine for drivers.
We'd like to update you on some of the people that we've talked about in the past. While on tour, I frequently shared the testimony of a young lady named Alyona, who had lost her fiance and then her father during our last term. At the end of her testimony, she mentions that her plans to attend Bible College have been thwarted twice. Well, she's finally made it!!! She just moved to Krasnodar for a year of intense training and classes. Will you pray with us that God will use this time well in her life; that she will find lifelong friendships there and that she'll return more on fire for God than ever?
Masha visited us initially through an English club that we did at the Friesens home a couple of years ago. Then she visited our cell groups a few times and had many difficult questions in her soul. She was clearly seeking for truth and we tried to help her find it. By the time we left last year, however, she had pretty much disappeared. But God was still at work in her heart. During this past year she began attending our church more regularly and found her deepest questions answered in giving herself to the Lord. Just as we returned last month, she was baptized, as she desired to make a clear statement that she is now on the road to eternal life. Praise the Lord with us for her.
As our children begin their 5th year at the International Academy, the school moved in to the 4th building since our enrollment. On the positive side, each building change has been an improvement. The present location is not only very nice, but it will also help the school to move down the path to becoming licensed. It is expected that we'll stay in this place for many years. The kids have really enjoyed getting back into their friendships and to what they consider a "normal" pace of life. Unfortunately, the new place is a bit farther away from us than we'd hoped, but it's not horrible either.
We also had another big family event last month. Rachel celebrated her Sweet 16 birthday. Amanda organized a big party for her before we left and then another with our friends here. Rachel is enjoying 10th grade.
One great encouragement has been some of our welcomes. One couple we knew screamed when we called and came to see us the next day even though it was an hour and a half drive. One lady in the apartment above us told us that great rejoicing echoed through the building as the word was spread that "Our Americans have returned!!" Another praise is that many of our colleagues here have gone way beyond the call of duty to help us out in numerous ways. We're glad that God has put us here and we hope that He will do some great things through us over the coming months and years.
Representing you in Russia,
Alan and Trish Eggleton, Rachel, Amanda,, Lauren and Zach
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Is it already Spring??
Hi -its 2009 and while we have been updating our cma site we have not been doing it here !!! Well Alan is on tour and we have survived an upstate New York winter. Actually it was much better sun wise than our winters in St Petersburg. Yesterday we celebrated my dad's 76th birthday. My brother Chris surprised us all by driving 7 hours to see us. Yippeee!
What have we been up to??
Rach and Manda had a great summer going to relatives in Ohio and New York
All of us girls went to see Michael W Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman
Trish just had bilateral inginual hernia repair (oh joy)
Week to week
piano lessons every week for Rach and Lauren
youth group two times a week for Manda and Rachel
Trish co-leads a pioneer club at our church once a week
zach goes to pre-school three times a week and loves it
Alan is in and out as he has been on tour in California, New York, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
We are alrady starting to gear up for our return to Russia. Time just flies when you are having fun. We are so blessed to be here with our family and friends!
What have we been up to??
Rach and Manda had a great summer going to relatives in Ohio and New York
All of us girls went to see Michael W Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman
Trish just had bilateral inginual hernia repair (oh joy)
Week to week
piano lessons every week for Rach and Lauren
youth group two times a week for Manda and Rachel
Trish co-leads a pioneer club at our church once a week
zach goes to pre-school three times a week and loves it
Alan is in and out as he has been on tour in California, New York, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
We are alrady starting to gear up for our return to Russia. Time just flies when you are having fun. We are so blessed to be here with our family and friends!
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