Hey-it has been awhile since we have blogged. In early April we enjoyed a nice time at the Black Sea at our yearly field forum. While the weather was not the greatest the fellowship and the greenness all around us was excellent. The kids had a great time and Zach attended his last year of being with the "ladies" ie nannies who take care of the smaller kids. One of these nannies was our Vika who took care of Lauren and the girls when we first moved to Russia.(top left in green shirt-Zach is on the far right in red)
Life has picked up speed. Rachel is playing volleyball two times a week with the junior highers and high schoolers. The kids just had their spring concert as well as the school's huge yearly garage sale. We got rid of a vanful of toys and clothes. Lots of kids are entering and leaving the school.
We celebrated Lauren's 9th birthday by having some of her friends over.
We have also done some special dates with our oldest two daughters. For Manda we went to a special tea room at a downtown restaurant. For Rachel she had a mom and dad date at a local cafe.
Two times a week Trish and Alan are teaching an English class and discussion group at Med Em.