Two days ago Alan came home late from picking up the kids from School. Trish called him and he said he was in line at the post office. Well when he and the girls arrived home they were carrying six packages and lots of letters. An hour or so of glee followed as we opened boxes from Pineview Alliance , Masons, the Fites, Mom Richards and the Friedens. Thanks to all of you for the wonderful surprises!!!!!! Attached are some pics.
We received snow last night and it is not so quite overcast today. We have found out that TWO count them TWO couples in our church are expecting. Please pray for them as well as a young single gal who also is pregnant and in a bit of debt. She just recently came to church for the first time after praying with Pastor Dima.
Next weekend we head to the border and will be in Finland for the weekend. Please pray for safe travel.