4th of July
Picking up the girls at camp
Two months have flown by since our last post! We have been doing lots in our transition from Russia to the US. Here is a brief overview:
-hosted a fun 4th of July party at our apartment in Russia where about 30 people joined us.
-packed up and said our goodbyes in Russia on July 8th. We had a really long travel day on the 8th (30 hours)
-purchased a house in our home town of Fulton, New York. We are closing on it tomorrow!
-spent a week at Sodus Point (on Lake Ontario) with all of Alan's family
-Trish had an all day shopping trip with two of her friends
-celebrated Trisha's nephew Austin's graduation from high school (and had a mini Richards reunion that day)
-Trish took the 3 girls to a week of camp where they had a blast. On the way to camp they had a blow-out. We love the police in America who actually stopped and helped her get the rusted on spare out from underneath the van :)
-Saw our St Pete friends the O'Byrnes on this side of the ocean (see below)
-Alan and Trish took a one day trip to the Adirondacks with our church's senior citizen group and had a blast
-We ate out with our friends at Ichi Bon- thanks Candi and Brian! Zach was with us and loved the leaping fire!
What is up:
The girls will start school in early September. They will be going to public school so you can pray for them. We have met both Rachel's and Manda's guidance counselors. Please pray for their transitions.
We are preparing for tour. Alan will tour in the New York area for two months. Please pray that we can carve out time to put our last four years into words, pictures and convey what God has done in St. Pete.
Rach turned 15 last week and has had a great summer. She was privileged to attend a youth seminar that really impacted her life and allowed her to get to know the youth group here at Fulton.
Manda is getting a new retainer for her mouth as it looks like she will need braces like Rachel.
Zach is doing well but still asks how many days til he goes back to Petersburg Russia.
Blessings to you all!