Hi! We have lots of news. We again celebrated two Christmas days and two New Years. During the school holidays we had quite a few guests over and the girls just plain relaxed. We went ice skating indoors on New Year's Day at a local mall since there was no snow and the temps were above freezing. We stayed up late on New Years (til 330 am) and saw another great fireworks show as well as having tons of fireworks going off all around us. On New Year's Day when we pulled into the parking garage of the mall and got out of our car two ladies looked at us and exclaimed "Look..there are other people that are awake and sober! Above is a picture we took at the girls' Christmas concert. Trish attended Wheaton as did one or both of the parents of the Gerig and OByrne families.
Speaking of drunks just before New Years a drunk drove through our parking area and collided with a parked car and then bounced off of the bumper of that car and just lightly bumped our van. He tried to run(drunkenly) from the scene but the owner of the vehicle he hit called down from his window and two men nearby grabbed the drunk so he could not leave. Well to make a long day short-they let the guy go(after they took his keys) with the understanding he would have to come back and pay about 1,000 dollars. He never came back and only later they called the police. Our neighbor waited outside for hours and hours. We were glad that no damage happened to our van. Turns out the car was stolen. Drunk driving here is a pretty serious offense. You lose your licence immediately and then may be sent to jail. The stolen car blocked the side street for most of the day. AUGH!!
Our church invited a professional mime group to perform on Russian Christmas Eve (January 6th) and we distributed a bunch of invitations. We were not sure what the turn out would be but over one hundred people filled up the hall we rented. Even better news was that Vika, one of the kids in the youth group prayed with her neighbors the Friesens, to accept Christ. This was a great moment in her life as she has lived in great fear of death. Four or five of our neighbors came as well. We pray that they will see a change in their lives. The group was excellent.
We were so glad that this Russian Christmas we made NO EMERGENCY trips to the hospital. Last year Lauren had an emergency appendectomy.
Putting on our traveling shoes
In two weeks our family will head to Finland for the weekend. Please pray that we will have a good time of rest and refreshment as we are somewhat tired and sun deprived. In early February we(Alan and I0 will be taking a trip to a nearby country to visit a community center there. We are thinking and praying about creating such a center here in Saint Petersburg. Pray for safety for us and our kids. This is the first time we have been away from all four of our children in years!!!
Manda with a friend
1 comment:
Introduce everyone to the sweet friend of Amanda's. Keep us posted on the Jordan trip. Will Trish be going?
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