The girls had a week of vacation from school so we visited the city's dolphinarium with a few other families. This time though we got front row tickets and thought we would share some pictures with you. You can see Alan, Zach, Rach and Manda in the video. It is pretty amazing what the trainers can do with the dolphins...riding on them and having them sing. Alan is better but not totally better yet. One lab test showed that he needed to take some additional medication. The weather has gotten noticeably cooler. Manda has a cough we are hoping she can conquer herself. Rachel has been traveling around town on the metro, sometimes alone and sometimes with Manda. It has already started seeming a bit dark outside in the late afternoon. We are descending into the darkness :( We have had some sunny days though for which we are thankful. The girls had a potential new piano teacher come over for the first time. His name is Sebastian and seems like he will be a good teacher and FUN! Included is a picture of Lauren with some of her friends and a picture of the sun that she drew recently.
Great art, great dolphins, great to hear from you :) I'm glad alan is feeling better too. Love and miss you guys, feel like getting me a ticket to Russia? j/k hugs all around!
That was fun to hear your giggles in the background. Thanks for sharing it and I'm glad Alan's feeling better
I love Lauren's sun picture! It's obvious the St. Pete darkness hasn't gotten her down.
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