Sunday, October 21, 2007

Down but not Out

Alan got to visit the clinic/hospital where Trish volunteers, teaching English to some of the medical staff there. Unfortunately this was not the kind of visit he was hoping for. After a busy evening hosting our cell group on Friday, Alan set off with two of our friends, Yanna and Vadim to go to a half night of prayer(around 11 pm) By the time they arrived he was not feeling well and after a few minutes became pretty violently ill(throwing up etc) Trish got a call from him around 12:30 and she can honestly say she was really worried about him. He sounded half dead and ready to pass out. When she found out that the prayer meeting was a block away from Med Em she told him to go see a doctor there. Vadim, Yanna and our pastor took him to the clinic where he had to wait a half an hour and then he was seen by a doctor. The ironic thing is that he was seen by the same doc who was on call when Lauren went to hospital with appendicitis. They admitted Alan and put him on an iv and iv antibiotics. Turns out that earlier in the evening he had a piece of cake that must have gone bad. He stayed the night and Trish brought him home the next day in the afternoon. He felt well enough to go to church today but still is a little weak. Manda had fun making Alan's hospital bed go up and down.:)
We hope that we will not have any more unexpected visits to the hospital and that we will get some rest in the next few days. Thanks for keeping in touch!

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